Small ViolationNow please imagine that something unexpected occurred that made it slightly, and only slightly difficult to accomplish your goal. For example, if your goal involves graduating from school, imagine you find out that all graduating students have to do one hour of community service as part of a new policy. Simply, your goal is just as achievable, but it has been made slightly, and again only slightly, more difficult.
In the context of the goal you wrote about, please tell us how you would feel if something extremely minor caused a very slight goal annoyance. |
Large ViolationNow please imagine that something unexpected occurred that made it far more difficult to accomplish your goal. For example, if your goal involves graduating from school, imagine you find out that tuition will be doubled and you have to take 30 more units. Simply, your goal is just as achievable, but it has been made much more difficult.
In the context of the goal you wrote about, please tell us how you would feel if something extremely major caused a very intense goal blockage. |
Qualitative: How would this make you feel? What would you think?